Netflix has formally terminated its DVD rental program with the final mailings, signifying the “end of an era.”

Netflix has formally terminated its DVD rental program with the final mailings, signifying the “end of an era.”

Netflix’s DVD rental service is no longer available.

Netflix was founded in 1998 as a DVD rental business that would send out DVDs of movies and TV shows to customers’ homes.

In April, Netflix announced that they would discontinue mailing CDs at the end of 2023. The multibillion-dollar streaming service said on Friday, September 29, that it had sent out its last DVD and was discontinuing its DVD rental service after 25 years.

After 25 successful years, the company’s closure was announced on a Friday. The firm said that it “redefined how people watch films and series at home” and “shared the excitement” of customers who received its trademark red envelopes in the mail.

In recognition of the last DVD shipment, Netflix has made available a collection of service statistics.

As the company put it in a statement, “It’s the end of an era, but the DVD business built our foundation for the years to come, giving members unprecedented choice and control, a wide variety of titles to choose from, and the freedom to watch as much as they want.” Customers of Netflix’s service will no longer be able to place orders using that portal.

On March 10, 1998, the streaming giant says it sent out its first DVD—a copy of “Beetlejuice.”

According to Netflix, it has sent 239,00 red envelopes to customers’ homes. Reports state that by 2011, the company had 20 million clients who rented DVDs from them. Netflix also announced in 2019 that it had sent out its 5 billionth DVD.

For almost 20 years, consumers have had the option of choosing among “20 main genres” and “530 subgenres” while renting DVDs from Netflix.

Nine years, eight months, and seventeen days after Netflix’s former competitor, Blockbuster, liquidated its corporate-owned stores, Netflix’s DVD rental service was discontinued.

In 2007, Netflix began offering its streaming service.

Netflix has around 238.4 million paying members throughout the world as of the second quarter of 2023.